198 research outputs found


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    Purpose: To evaluate the Vietnamese electronics industry (EI) by analyzing its successes and shortcomings in recent years in comparison with other Southeast Asian countries, as well as the problems faced by the young industries in Vietnam in the course of its development and identify their abilities to participate in the global value chain. Methodology: Systems approach was used to analyze the status of Vietnam’s EI. The advantages and the results achieved by EI are assessed and described with the help of objective data from statistical and officially published sources. Main Findings: The position of Vietnam’s EI in the context of growing industry 4.0 was recognized. Its dependence on imports and other reasons that affect its efficiency and competitiveness were identified in the study. The Government should provide adequate support for the development of priority area including EI within the framework of national policies and encourage import substitution program of the industrial enterprises. Applications: Research results could be used for providing recommendations for making Vietnam's electronic industry development policy and import substitution program in the future. Novelty/ Originality: Study considered the effects of inconsistent structure, import dependence of production, lack of unified government control, quality of labor, etc. in gross output and export revenue

    Education and Economic Growth in Vietnam

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    The relationship between education and economic growth has always been considered a fundamental concern of many economists as well as governments. This research provides empirical evidence of the education true effects are not well understood, especially in Vietnam. This research provides empirical evidence of the influences of education in Vietnam’s economy, more specifically on Vietnam’s productivity, from the period 2000 to 2015. The paper find that the final findings are supportive to the hypothesis made: education is critical factor of economic enhancement. More specifically, primary and secondary schooling levels better the productivity of the economy estimated by the Total Factor Productivity and the GDP growth. Keywords: GPD growth, social return, TFP DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-6-02 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Using Rapid Prototyping in Computer Architecture Design Laboratories

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    This paper describes the undergraduate computer architecture courses and laboratories introduced at Georgia Tech during the past two years. A core sequence of six required courses for computer engineering students has been developed. In this paper, emphasis is placed upon the new core laboratories which utilize commercial CAD tools, FPGAs, hardware emulators, and a VHDL based rapid prototyping approach to simulate, synthesize, and implement prototype computer hardware

    Analysis of Corporate Governance Index Using ASEAN Balanced Score Card and Firm Performance

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    Governance plays a crucial role in most activities of socio-economic life. For any organizations, units, businesses or higher, a country, a community, the role of governance becomes more important than ever. For businesses, with globalization taking place and market becoming more competitive than ever, good Corporate Governance is now considered as a factor of success. Good corporate governance will help the company improve its ability to access to various sources of capital and operate more efficiently. However, in Vietnam particularly, Corporate Governance system still need to enhance and improve. Therefore, with the aim of surveying the current situation of Corporate Governance practices in Vietnam and giving the analysis of its impacts on businesses’ performance, this research is conducted from a sample of 60 listed-companies in both Construction and Food & Beverage industry for the time 2015, 2017 and 2018. By using the tool of ASEAN balanced scorecard to evaluate Vietnam Corporate Governance practices on 05 aspects: Rights of shareholders, Equitable treatment of shareholders, Roles of stakeholders, Disclosure and transparency and Board duties and responsibilities, the paper came to the low results of companies’ Corporate Governance practices in Vietnam. Based on this method, different relationships were found, one of which is the positive relationship between Corporate Governance Index and Tobin’s Q. Keywords: Asean Score Card, Corporate Governance Index, Performance DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-6-02 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Empirical Analysis on Non-Performing Loans of Listed Banks in Vietnam

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    Non-performing loans has always been a serious concern for the banking system in Vietnam over the years, especially after the financial crisis year 2008. The huge volume of non-performing loans may lead to severe consequences for the whole economy at both macroeconomic and microeconomic level. The determinants of the NPLs problems are identified by building up models that explain non-performing loans by macroeconomic factors and bank-specific factors which are adjusted from the earlier studies to fit with the context in Vietnam. In short, the level of NPLs is primarily contributed by bank-specific factors. Also, it is recommended that banks should improve lending policies to prevent the increase in non-performing loans. Last but not least, it is urgent for the State Bank of Vietnam in general and banks themselves in particular to conduct a strict procedure in implementation, control, management, and supervision of all activities in order to carry out solutions in time before the problems are getting worse. Keywords: NPLs, macroeconomic, banks DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-6-03 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Efficiency of Farmer Organisations in Supplying Supermarkets with Quality Food in Vietnam

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    The development of supermarkets in Vietnam, as in other emerging countries, goes along with an increasing concern on the part of purchasers for food quality. The paper investigates whether farmer organisations are able to help small-scale farmers get access to supermarkets, and the role that supermarkets and public support play in their emergence and development. It is based on case studies involving a number of stakeholders marketing vegetables, flavoured rice and litchi fruit in Vietnam. The interviews investigated patterns of horizontal and vertical coordination that link farmers to supermarkets, the distribution of costs and benefits between farmers and traders along the chains in relation to the strategy of quality differentiation. Eight farmer associations that work in the form of private commercial organisations are regular supermarket suppliers for the selected products. Their ability to supply supermarkets is related to the combination of functions they make available to their members, especially as regards training to improve quality (appearance, taste, safety), quality promotion and control, for which they receive public support, as well as their participation in flexible contracts with supermarkets, shops and schools. Supermarket supply through farmer associations increases farmer incomes when compared with traditional chains, yet the situation is reported to change with the increase in supermarket competition. The paper argues that changes in farmer organisation are not only due to supplying supermarkets, but also to public and international support to food quality improvement, which have been of benefit to supermarkets.Agribusiness, Industrial Organization,

    Predicting Performances of Mutual Funds using Deep Learning and Ensemble Techniques

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    Predicting fund performance is beneficial to both investors and fund managers, and yet is a challenging task. In this paper, we have tested whether deep learning models can predict fund performance more accurately than traditional statistical techniques. Fund performance is typically evaluated by the Sharpe ratio, which represents the risk-adjusted performance to ensure meaningful comparability across funds. We calculated the annualised Sharpe ratios based on the monthly returns time series data for more than 600 open-end mutual funds investing in listed large-cap equities in the United States. We find that long short-term memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent units (GRUs) deep learning methods, both trained with modern Bayesian optimization, provide higher accuracy in forecasting funds' Sharpe ratios than traditional statistical ones. An ensemble method, which combines forecasts from LSTM and GRUs, achieves the best performance of all models. There is evidence to say that deep learning and ensembling offer promising solutions in addressing the challenge of fund performance forecasting.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 4 table


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceLe Vietnam est actuellement engagĂ© dans un processus d'intĂ©gration Ă©conomique internationale issue notamment de son adhĂ©sion rĂ©cente Ă  l'OMC. Ce processus inclut une ouverture croissante du secteur agro-alimentaire domestique Ă  la concurrence des produits importĂ©s. Les exploitations agricoles familiales sont particuliĂšrement fragilisĂ©es par ce nouveau contexte, en raison de le petite taille et du morcellement des superficies cultivables. Les moyens de renforcer la compĂ©titivitĂ© des produits issues de l'agriculture familiale constitue ainsi une des prioritĂ©s pour les recherches vietnamiennes en Ă©conomie agricole. Au Vietnam, le longane “Long” produit dans la province de Hungyen est un produit de spĂ©cialitĂ© locale, c'est-Ă -dire dont la qualitĂ© spĂ©cifique est reconnue par une partie des consommateurs. NĂ©anmoins, le manque d'action collective entre les exploitations agricoles familiales fragilisent les performances de cette filiĂšre face aux longanes des autres rĂ©gions du Vietnam et les longanes importĂ©s. Cet article prĂ©sente les expĂ©riences d'appui pour le renforcement de la filiĂšre du longane “Long” de la province de Hungyen au Vietnam vers le dĂ©veloppement de l'indication gĂ©ographique. GrĂące Ă  l'appui de GTZ (German Technical Cooperation) et de l'IPSARD (Institut de politique et de stratĂ©gie pour l'agriculture et le dĂ©veloppement rural), la coopĂ©rative de longane Long Hongnam, qui consiste en une organisation de producteurs et de commerçants, a Ă©tĂ© mise sur pied en 2006. La coopĂ©rative a permis la mise en place des actions collectives suivantes: l'application d'un itinĂ©raire technique de production amĂ©liorĂ© incluant le respect de certaines bonnes pratiques agricoles locales (Good agricultural practices ou GAP), et la mise sur pied d'un espace de dialogue avec les commerçants. Grace Ă  ce dispositif, les producteurs ont pu augmenter leur prix du vente, amĂ©liorer l'homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© de la qualitĂ© des produits, et amĂ©liorer leur revenu. La durabilitĂ© de ce dispositif est discutĂ©e. L'article fait le bilan des forces et faiblesses de ces strategies de soutien a l'action collective
